How to Find a Solution that Lasts

Do you exercise regularly, eat well, and live a great lifestyle but still suffer from aches and pains? It can be frustrating to feel like you’re doing everything “right” but not seeing the results you want.


You might have tried everything you know to fix the problem, but still find yourself living with pain and discomfort. This can prevent you from pursuing your dreams and achieving your goals.


The traditional approach to medicine often treats every complaint as a separate condition. But what if we approached health differently and focused on treating your ability to resist pain, disease, and injury?


At the core of this approach is the idea that health means more than just being pain-free. It should also mean that you can prevent future problems and confidently pursue the activities you enjoy without fear of injury.


The good news is that you can become stronger and healthier without exercise alone. In fact, exercise can actually be harmful if you’re not healthy to begin with.


That’s where Afferentology comes in. Afferentology is the diagnosis and treatment of abnormal muscle tone, which is essential for protecting our bodies from injury and supporting all movement.


Low muscle tone can make us more vulnerable to injury and cause joint damage over time. It can also affect the glands and organs, leading to fatigue and susceptibility to infections. On the other hand, too much muscle tone can cause aches and cramping.


During a consultation, we start with a full assessment of muscle tone, including neurological and orthopedic testing. If areas of low muscle tone or increased tone are found, we work to determine the underlying cause and develop a plan to fix it.


While there’s no one-size-fits-all solution for low muscle tone, fixing it can leave you pain-free and confident enough in your body to pursue your goals and dreams. So why settle for living with pain and discomfort when there’s a better way?

The type of treatment offered will always depend on the results of the examination and will focus on providing permanent solutions to the most pressing issues, to give the most benefit for the least effort and expense.


Treatment will be different at every visit, progressing towards a time when no treatment is necessary because your body is working perfectly (or as good as it can).


Treatment is very safe and always reversible. It may involve:


  • Removing foreign bodies from the skin

  • Stimulating joints and muscles (manipulation and adjustment)

  • Identifying and correcting nutritional deficiencies

  • Identifying and correcting food intolerances

  • Identifying and correcting environmental toxins  



"I came to see Simon  today, as I was suffering pain in my neck. To my utter surprise, after a quick diagnosis, he managed to change my entire gait, after I was still suffering from my broken ankle and leg of six months prior. I literally walked out normally, something I'd been unable to do since my accident and operation. I can't recommend him highly enough."

Tim Mortlemans, Watford

"I have had a very painful pelvis for the last 22 years and after just 2 appointments with Simon, I am no longer suffering. This man is a miracle worker and I highly recommend him. Thank you Simon "

Laura Allen, Berkhamsted

"I regard Simon as one of the best clinicians, if not the best in the UK. His ability to find the cause of your dysfunction or pain quickly is testament to his outstanding clinical knowledge of how the body functions. I have sent him many difficult paitnets to fix over the years all of which he has helped greatly. We are very lucky to have a clinician of Simon's calibre working and teaching in the UK."

Chris Gubbings, Chiropractor, Cardiff